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About us

Building the most trusted property marketplace in the Maldives.

Transparent and a reliable place to find properties in the Maldives for rent or for sale.


Based in the Maldives with many wonderful support by the locals, Boahiyaa is a leading real estate technology business operating real estate portals in the Maldives & Sri Lanka.

We are dedicated to build a simple yet most trusted platform for those finding a property, to call your home, in the Maldives.

Our goal is to provide a transparent and reliable experience for all participants in the property market – renters, buyers, landlords, sellers, and agents.

On our listing database, you will find a wide selection of flats, apartments, condominiums and houses. Whenever available we list private islands and lagoons for long-term lease in the Maldives. These are rare opportunities for those looking to grow their real estate portfolio.

Contact us

Hi there, just wanted to give you all a heads up that we are a small team of committed and motivated individuals, passionate about helping our customers in getting their new home. Unfortunately we might be caught up with other commitments that we might not be able to entertain all of our concerned users of the site through phone or at the office address.

The best way to get in touch with us would be via direct email or using the contact form here. So please do send an email to us if you have any concerns or queries, and we should respond to you within 24 hrs.

Office Registered Address

Light Sky, Bodurasgefaanu Magu, Male’ 20142, Maldives.


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